Ultimate Scanning Team Checklist
Ultimate Scanning Team Checklist
Scanning is the lifeblood of Strategic Foresight. Environmental scanning allows us to rewire our brains and build our pattern and sensemaking skills. It is a critical practice for any futurist. But, foresight is a team sport! While scanning in isolation is great personal development, a sustainable futures intelligence group will prepare any organization for what’s on the horizon.
Gathering an environmental scanning team can seem like a herculean effort, but you will be amazed at how impactful it can be to developing a foresight competency within your organization. Get ready for “Game Day” by using this checklist to reference all the critical steps and considerations that will help you to build a successful futures intelligence group.
Gathering an environmental scanning team can seem like a herculean effort, but you will be amazed at how impactful it can be to developing a foresight competency within your organization. Get ready for “Game Day” by using this checklist to reference all the critical steps and considerations that will help you to build a successful futures intelligence group.
Additional information
This resource is a PDF that includes the Scanning Team Checklist Worksheet. You may use the resource digitally by filling as a PDF form, or print and fill out.
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