The Wicked Opportunities® Creator Economy Pack Sources
This edition of the Wicked Opportunities Card Decks explores the Creator Economy.
Individual participation and crowd-funded innovation are spurring the transition to a new economy. Consumers are choosing experiences over physical goods, and technologies such as 3D printing, virtual reality and drones are creating an environment where access to assets trumps ownership.
Below are the sources utilized in the Creator Economy Pack trend cards:

Authentic Experiences
Push: Travelers Seek More Authentic Experiences; Agents And Tour Operators Rise To The Challenge
Push: Want a more ‘authentic’ tourist experience? There’s an app for that
Pull: Virtual “Humanitarian” Reality
Push: Crowdsourcing The Hyperloop: How A Group Of Redditors Are Taking On Elon Musk’s Challenge
Push: How NASA is Crowdsourcing its Innovation Strategy
Pull: Power to the People: This Company Just Crowdsourced All of its Manufacturing Decisions
Pull: A Global Collaboration to Create “Artificial Organisms” Just Went Live
Generative Cities
Push: The world’s five coolest vertical forests
Push: China Has Officially Started Construction on the World’s First “Forest City”
Pull: Singapore will soon have a ‘virtual twin city’ that reflects everything in the real world
Digital Immortality
Push: EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Push: Digital Immortality: The Deceased on Social Media
Pull: The Obligatory Mind Uploading Blockchain Crossover
Pull: The BRAIN Initiative
Pull: Media mogul Dmitry Itskov plans to live forever by uploading his personality to a robot
Ubiquitous Gaming
Push: Beyond fun, when being a gamer turns into a lucrative career
Pull: Your Life Will Be A Video Game

Additive Manufacturing
Push: Dubai Seeks to 3D Print 25 Percent of Its Buildings by 2030
Push: The Netherlands is home to the world’s first 3D-printed concrete bridge
Pull: Chinese Researchers Use 4D Printing Technology to Construct Breast Implant for Cancer Patient
Pull: How 4D printing is now saving lives
Push: UPS bets on blockchain as the future of the trillion-dollar shipping industry
Push: 5 Blockchain Applications That Are Shaping Your Future
Pull: On This Blockchain-Based Version Of Airbnb, There’s No Middleman
Pull: Startup Raises $20 Million to Build ‘YouTube on the Blockchain’
Digital Ownership
Push: What does ‘ownership’ mean in the digital age?
Pull: Conspicuous consumption is over. It’s all about intangibles now
Pull: Airbnb, Uber, eBay: in this intangible world workers must adapt to survive
Push: Drones in the Line of Fire, Supporting First Responders to Save Lives
Push: Home drone delivery a step closer to reality
Push: Drone-operating gang’s prison delivery service lands its members in jail
Pull: Drones, Volcanoes and the ‘Computerization’ of the Earth
Social Robotics
Push: Toyota’s Kirobo Mini Robot Is Cute — But What’s It Actually For?
Push: Meet the robots caring for Japan’s aging population
Pull: Give robots ‘personhood’ status, EU committee argues
Pull: Elon Musk: Robots will take your jobs, government will have to pay your wage

Attention Economy
Push: Twitter Users Got More Fake News Than Real News Before Trump Won Election
Push: The Future of Truth and Misinformation Online
Pull: I’ve worked in tech for 22 years — and it’s clear we’re living in an ‘addiction economy’
Collaborative Consumption
Push: This App Wants To Sell You Restaurant Leftovers — For A Huge Discount
Push: Forget Uber, Amsterdam is showing how to use the sharing economy for good
Pull: To Uber or Not? Why Car Ownership May No Longer Be a Good Deal
Pull: How Will Self-Driving Cars Change Cities?
Philanthropic Models
Push: P2P Lending Market In Numbers
Push: Platform Cooperatives Like Stocksy Have A Purpose Uber And Airbnb Never Will
Pull: Innovating Philanthropy
Pull: 3 years ago, Stockton, California, was bankrupt. Now it’s trying out a basic income
Push: Get an Eerily Well-Personalized Throwback Playlist on Spotify
Push: Sotheby’s Buys AI Company, Matching Art to Collectors
Pull: How Decentralized Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Change Medicine, Explained
Pull: The Next Wave of Microchips Could Take Personalized Medicine to a Whole New Level
Reputation Currency
Push: Logan Paul admits loss of revenue after suicide video controversy ‘hurts’
Pull: What China’s Frightening Digital Strategy Portends for America’s Future

Digital Values
‘Digital Prospects’
Stop telling us to switch off – we live in a digital culture now
Virtual Reality is the Global Empathy Machine
Is Online Trolling a Reflection of Our Social Values?
Entertainment Everything
What is Extended Reality ( XR )? All you need to know
Treatment, training and therapy: VR in healthcare
Newzoo’s 2017 Report: Insights into the $108.9 Billion Global Games Market
How a new game helped us understand the future of food
Republic of Estonia E-Residency
Why I Became an E-Resident of Estonia
I Became a Citizen of Bitnation, a Blockchain-Powered Virtual Nation. Now What?
Space Tourism
Space tourism could boost science and health research—here’s how
So You Want to Be a Space Tourist? Here Are Your Options
Transformational Invention
Kodak’s Downfall Wasn’t About Technology
Fujifilm takes on the challenge of making regenerative medicine a reality

Push: Building with nature: cities that steal smart ideas from plants and animals
Push: How Audi merged biomimicry and urban mobility
Pull: Tardigrades’ Radiation Defense Could Help Human Space Travel
Citizen Science
Push: Citizen Science to track weather and climate change
Push: Give Up Your Data to Cure Disease
Pull: How Citizen Science is Helping Us Cross the Quantum Computing Barrier
Pull: Can Crowdsourcing and Collaboration Improve the Future of Human Health?
Cyber Warfare
Push: AI is the Future Cyber Weapon of Internet Criminals
Pull: How Hackers Could Get Inside Your Head With ‘Brain Malware’
Distributed Energy
Push: Is Energy Storage the Key to Unlocking the “Smart” in Smart Homes?
Push: Blockchain Technologies Could Help You Profit from Green Energy
Pull: The scientists harvesting energy from humans to power our wearables
Virtual Workplaces
Push: Why So Many Workers Prefer Their Remote Colleagues To The Ones In Their Office
Pull: Virtual Reality’s “Consensual Hallucination”

Maker Movement
Push: How the Maker Movement is Speeding Up Innovation in Health Care
Pull: This Biohacker Became The First Person To Edit His Own DNA
Pull: Biohacking and the Strange Future it Brings
Micro Movement
Push: Tiny Space, Big Hearts Behind Micro-retail
Push: Are Microschools the Next Big Thing?
Pull: How the microbiome will lead a revolution in the consumerization of personalized medicine and diet
Educational Models
Push: 16 Startups Poised to Disrupt the Education Market
Push: What Recruiters Need to Know About EdTech–and the Expanding Talent Pool
Pull: Robots May Steal As Many As 800 Million Jobs in the Next 13 Years
Pull: Hybrid Jobs Call for Hybrid Education
Open Source
Push: Open Source turns 20: Here’s how it all started
Push: Is This Science Hacker a Heroine or a Villain?
Pull: How governments and citizens used open source to solve human problems in 2017
Pull: After Big Data: The Coming Age of “Big Indicators”
User-Generated Content
Push: User Innovation
Push: User-Generated Content Is How You Get Your Customers to Sell for You
Pull: Google AI Creates Its Own ‘Child’ AI That’s More Advanced Than Systems Built By Humans